Logo Parking Meyerbeer


Identification de l'éditeur du site 

Société :
Enseigne :
Adresse Postale : 27, PROMENADE DES ANGLAIS, 06000 NICE, FRANCE
Téléphone : +33493558403
Adresse électronique (E-Mail) : info@parking-meyerbeer.fr
Immatriculée au RCS : 807 908 165 00028
Code NAF : 6820B
Numéro individuel d'identification à la TVA : FR57 807 908 165
Directeur de la publication, responsable légal : Christophe Grinda

En choisissant d’accéder au site, l’utilisateur accepte, expressément et irrévocablement, les termes ci-après.

Droits d’auteur – Copyright

L’ensemble de ce site relève de la législation française et internationale sur le droit d’auteur et la propriété intellectuelle.

Les photographies, textes, slogans, dessins, images, séquences animées sonores ou non ainsi que toutes œuvres intégrées dans le site sont la propriété de la société JOG France S.A.R.L. ou de tiers ayant autorisé JOG France S.A.R.L. à les utiliser. Les logos, icônes et puces graphiques représentés sur le site sont protégés au titre des droits d’auteur et des articles L.511.1 et suivants du Code de la propriété intellectuelle relatifs à la protection des modèles déposés.

Tous les droits de reproduction sont réservés et strictement limités, y compris pour les documents téléchargeables et les représentations iconographiques et photographiques.
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Toute utilisation non autorisée de tout ou partie de ces droits par des tiers est susceptible de donner lieu à des poursuites judiciaires.

Contenu du site

Les renseignements qui apparaissent sur www.parking-meyerbeer.fr sont fournis à titre de renseignements généraux. Les informations et illustrations ne sont pas contractuelles et n’engagent pas la responsabilité de JOG France S.A.R.L. vis-à-vis du lecteur pour les conséquences de l’utilisation qu’il pourrait en faire pour lui-même ou pour le compte ou à destination de tiers. Elles ne peuvent être utilisées pour contredire une quelconque disposition contractuelle existante ou à venir entre JOG France S.A.R.L. et l’utilisateur.

JOG France S.A.R.L. décline toute responsabilité en cas de retard de mise à jour, d’erreur ou d’omission quant au contenu des présentes pages, de même qu’en cas d’interruption ou d’indisponibilité permanente ou temporaire du service. Même si JOG France S.A.R.L. fait tout son possible pour veiller à l’exactitude et la véracité des renseignements contenus dans parking-meyerbeer.fr. JOG France S.A.R.L. ne peut aucunement être tenu responsable de tout préjudice pouvant être causé par l’utilisation de ce site.

JOG France S.A.R.L. se réserve le droit de corriger, à tout moment et sans préavis, le contenu de ce site.

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L’utilisateur du site parking-meyerbeer.fr reconnait disposer de la compétence et des moyens nécessaires pour accéder et utiliser ce site.

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Liens Hypertextes

Le site parking-meyerbeer.fr autorise la mise en place d’un lien hypertexte portant vers son contenu, sous réserve :
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- de mentionner la source qui pointera grâce à un lien hypertexte directement sur le contenu visé.
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Cette autorisation ne s’applique pas aux sites Internet diffusant des informations à caractère polémique, pornographique, xénophobe ou pouvant, dans une large mesure, porter atteinte à la sensibilité du plus grand nombre.

JOG France S.A.R.L. décline toute responsabilité quant au contenu des sites proposés en liens, quelque soit le type de lien établi à partir, ou vers parking-meyerbeer.fr. JOG France S.A.R.L. se réserve le droit de s’opposer à son établissement.

Informations collectées sur le site

Toutes les données collectées sur ce site, par quelque moyen que ce soit, sont à l’usage réservé de la société JOG France S.A.R.L..
Conformément à l’article 34 de la loi 78-17 Informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978, vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression des données vous concernant.

Pour exercer ce droit, contactez-nous par e-mail à : info@parking-meyerbeer.fr
Ou, par courrier, à l’adresse :
Le Neptune
3, Rue Meyerbeer


Les informations recueillies sur ce site par l’intermédiaire des formulaires font l’objet d’un traitement informatique destiné à l’élaboration d’une proposition commerciale. Le destinataire des données est : JOG France S.A.R.L.
Conformément à la loi Informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978, vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès et de rectification aux informations qui vous concernent. Si vous souhaitez exercer ce droit et obtenir communication des informations vous concernant, contactez-nous à l’adresse ci-dessus.


Identification of the website publisher

Company :
Brand :
JOG France S.A.R.L.
Postal address : Le NEPTUNE
Tel.: +33 4 93 55 84 03
Email address: info@parking-meyerbeer.fr
Entered in the commercial register under: 438 476 541 00034
APE code: 5221Z
Individual VAT identification number: FR 25 438 476 541 00034
Publishing Director, legally authorised representative: Daniel Morbidelli - Christophe Grinda

By accessing the website, the user expressly and irrevocably accepts the terms and conditions here in below.


The entire website is governed by French and international legislation concerning copyrights and intellectual property rights.

The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated audio or non-audio sequences as well as any works integrated into the website are owned by the company JOG France S.A.R.L. or third parties having authorised JOG France S.A.R.L. to utilise them. The logos, icons and graphics chips represented on the website are protected by copyrights and Articles L.511.1 ff of the French Intellectual Property Code concerning the protection of registered designs.

All rights of reproduction are reserved and strictly limited, including those for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.
The brands mentioned on this website are registered by the companies which own them.

Any non-authorised utilisation of any or all of these rights by third parties may result in legal action being taken.

Website content

The information displayed on www.parking-meyerbeer.fr is supplied by way of general information. The information and illustrations are not contractually binding and do not engage the liability of JOG France S.A.R.L vis-à-vis the reader in respect of consequences of the utilisation for himself or for the account or the destination of third parties. They may not be used to contradict any existing or any contractual provision to be agreed between JOG France S.A.R.L. and the user.

JOG France S.A.R.L. waives liability in the event of late updating, error or omission concerning the content of these pages as well as in the event of the interruption or permanent or temporary inability to provide services. Even if JOG France S.A.R.L. does everything possible to ensure the accuracy and veracity of the information contained in parking-meyerbeer.fr. JOG France S.A.R.L. cannot be held liable in any way whatsoever for any damage which may be caused through utilisation of this website.

JOG France S.A.R.L. reserves the right to correct the contents of this website at any time without prior notice.

Reproductions on a paper or IT medium of said website and the works reproduced thereon are authorised provided they are strictly reserved for personal and private use. This excludes any utilisation for advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes and/or conformity with the provisions of Article L.122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Any reproduction, representation, utilisation or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any media whatsoever, of the website as a whole or in part, of all or part of the different works of which it consists, without having obtained the prior authorisation of the Publishing Director is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement which may lead to claims being asserted under civil and/or criminal law as well as to the payment of damages.

Access to the website

The user of the website parking-meyerbeer.fr hereby acknowledges that he has the competency and the resources necessary to access and utilise this website.

JOG France S.A.R.L. may not be held liable for any elements and events outside its control linked to the utilisation of the website and their effects on hardware and/or software incompatibilities and damage which may be caused to the technical environment of the user, in particular as far as his computers, software, network equipment and any other hardware used to access or utilise the service and/or the information are concerned.

By way of reminder, it is hereby pointed out that the fact of accessing or staying fraudulently within an IT system, impeding or falsifying its operations, introducing or fraudulently modifying data of said system constitute an offence liable to be punished under criminal law.

Hypertext links

The website parking-meyerbeer.fr authorises the installation of a hypertext link to its content, subject to the following reservations:
- authorisation by the Publishing Director of the website;
- no utilisation of deep linking, i.e. the pages of the website aide1.fr may not be embedded inside the pages of another website, but must be accessible by opening a dedicated window;
- mentioning of the source which points, thanks to a hypertext link, directly to the targeted content. Any utilisation for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded, except for the provisions agreed upon.
Any utilisation for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded, except for the provisions agreed upon.

This authorisation does not apply to websites circulating information of a polemic, pornographic or xenophobic nature or information which could, to a large extent, hurt the sensitivities of the public at large.

JOG France S.A.R.L. accepts no liability for the content of websites suggested by way of links, regardless of the type of link installed from or to parking-meyerbeer.fr. JOG France S.A.R.L. the right to oppose said links.

Information collected on the website

Any data collected on this website, by any means whatsoever, is reserved for use by JOG France S.A.R.L..
In accordance with Article 34 of French Act 78-17 on Data Processing and Privacy of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any data relating to you.

In order to exercise this right, you can contact us by e-mail on: reservation@parking-meyerbeer.fr
or by letter to the following address:


The information collected on this website by means of forms will be processed electronically with a view to the elaboration of a commercial proposition. The recipient of the data is: JOG France S.A.R.L.
In accordance with the Data Processing and Privacy Act of 6 January 1978 you have a right of access and correction concerning information relating to you. If you wish to exercise this right and obtain a communication concerning the information relating to you, please contact us at the address above.

Secure payment

For your financial transactions, the website parking-meyerbeer.fr uses an external payment solution. With this system your credit card payment is carried out directly on the secure server of the bank online. Your credit card number will not be communicated to JOG France S.A.R.L..

Online reservation

The standard terms and conditions of sale and cancellation in connection with an online reservation or a demand for reservation are specified in detail on the forms concerned. You may ask for a copy of the standard terms and conditions of sale from the address above. The online reservation solutions require the checking of the box "acceptance of the standard terms and conditions of sale" prior to any purchase.

Any applicable tourist tax will be specified on the invoice of the property. It is not included in the amounts specified upon reservation. The fixing of these rates is independent of the will of JOG France S.A.R.L..

All rights reserved © Les Ateliers Apicius.
All rights of reproduction and distribution reserved © Les Ateliers Apicius.

The website parking-meyerbeer.fr is listed on:

Through its presence on this search engine parking-meyerbeer.fr complies with the following commitments to Internet users:

parking-meyerbeer.fr gives Internet users an opportunity to contact the hotel directly by telephone, fax and e-mail.
parking-meyerbeer.fr offers Internet users the possibility to reserve rooms online in real time directly with the hotel without any agent.
parking-meyerbeer.fr displays the information in accordance with the characteristics of the hotel, its location, the easiest way to access the hotel, photos, representative videos, precise, descriptive texts, rates and official promotions of the hotel without any agent.

Official Site Hotel Ltd is the first search engine to list the official URL of hotels and restaurants. It provides a direct link service between hotels and restaurants across the world and people wishing to make their travel arrangements and their reservations via the Internet.